You could win a PSP just by using J2EE
In case you haven’t found out by now, Sun is having a contest where you can Play with J2EE 1.4 SDK and Win a Sony PSP. I think this is a very cool way to promote J2EE 1.4, too bad I don’t qualify because I’m not in one of the countries where the contest is open. Good thing I already have my own PSP to play with.
The only thing that I found kind of sad (or nostalgic) about it, is that the PSP doesn’t include a JVM, and as far as I know, there is no JVM being made for the PSP. With its wireless capabilities, IR, USB, etc., this would be a very cool environment for Java programs. Throw in a good 3D Java API, and you could be creating cool games for the PSP (which is good for Sony and for Sun).
connor knowler
i would love to win a psp because a lot of people i know have won and i think there awesome.
josh stedman
i neeeeeeed a JVM for my psp beacuse I made an operating system for it and I want to port it
richard custis
i would let to when cause are so freaking hot to play on