Author: Guillermo Castro

I started developing programs when he was 12 years old and still likes to code to this day. Since 1997, I’ve been working almost exclusively with Java, doing desktop and enterprise applications for local, national and international companies alike. I love working with computers. I graduated from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) with a major in Physics and a minor in Electronics.

Reliability of Web 2.0 services

How much do you (or your business) rely on external applications to go about your everyday business? When something goes wrong, who do you blame, how do you get it fixed and what amount of leverage do you have to get your issues resolved? It seems that one of the proposals for the new Web […]

Guillermo Castro 

Tip: Defragmenting disks on Windows XP

Having troubles with Windows XP speed after a while? Did you remember to defrag the drives every now and then? Here’s a quick tip: If Windows Defragmenting tool complains about not enough free space to perform the defragmentation, close all programs and disable Hibernation and virtual memory on your computer. That will free space on […]

Guillermo Castro 

Debunking Bruce Eckel

By now everyone must have read what Bruce Eckel had to say about Java (or rather, about Java enthusiasts) on Artima, especially after the article was picked up by Slashdot yesterday. I must confess I read the article several times, and I still don’t see how Bruce’s comments lead to the conclusion that Java enthusiasts […]

Guillermo Castro 

If it’s good enough for Linus…

On the Gnome Usability mailing list, Linus Torvalds replied to a mail from Till Kamppeter asking about PPD options removed from the printing dialog, by actively saying that he (Linus) encourages everyone to switch or use KDE. He then goes to criticize Gnome developers as ‘interface Nazis’, which care more about dumbing down the user […]

Guillermo Castro 

Why I dislike Websphere

At work, I’ve been working on a project that uses Websphere Application Server (WAS) 5.1. Part of the development setup is to use Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) 5.1, because it is tightly integrated with WAS. One of the problems this represents is that WSAD 5.1 is based on Eclipse 2.1.3. After working with Eclipse […]

Guillermo Castro 

SourceForge cvs servers down

I was trying last night to update my CVS copy of the Spring Rich Client project, which is in its early alpha stages (more about this project on a later post). Since 10pm CST I kept retrying every now and then, to no avail. Apparently SourceForge‘s CVS servers were down yesterday. I tried again this […]

Guillermo Castro 

Unit Testing with Mock Objects (and Spring)

I was looking into some information on how to do unit testing using mock objects. Since I’m using Spring, I’m also considering this into the equation. So far, I have found some nice articles, like this one linked from TheServerSide, which talks about unit testing and mock objects in general, and provide some examples. I […]

Guillermo Castro 
J2EE Java

Entity Engines for Java

I’ve been reading the documentation for Ofbiz, an "open source enterprise automation software project". Basically the project provides almost everything you need to create an ERP, a CRM or whatever Enterprise application you want. One of the most interesting concepts they implement is the Entity Engine. In a nutshell, the engine allows you to deal […]

Guillermo Castro