Java Development

Personal blog focusing on Java development

Java Web

Zimbra is very cool

While reading the morning news, I found an entry on JavaLobby talking about a new Open Source Collaboration system written in Java. The Zimbra Collaboration Suite is a Java-based, AJAX-enabled web application that can do email, contacts, calendar, etc. I used the demo and I’m very impressed. I see that they have borrowed many concepts […]

Guillermo Castro 

Another reason to use Gmail

I was checking my email today on Gmail, and I saw that I had 1 spam mail. This isn’t uncommon, since gmail has so far recognized every unsolicited mail. Sometimes, depending on the mood I am, I open these spam emails, just to see what they’re supposed to be selling, etc. and have a good […]

Guillermo Castro 

MyEclipse 4.0 is out…

Finally, after using 4.0M2 for a while, I am upgrading to the GA (General Availability) version of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench. Among the new features that comes with this release, I’m most interested in their UML Perspective, their JSF support and the new Visual Web Designer. You can check all the new features here. For only […]

Guillermo Castro 

The correct usage of Tiles tags

I haven’t been able to continue my regular posting streak because I’ve been really busy at work. Which in a sense, it’s a good thing. I’ve been doing a lot of Struts, Spring, Tiles, etc. stuff, and hopefully I’ll be able to put some tips and tricks that I come up across with.

One of the things that I’ve come up across with, is the correct way to use Tiles. I was having a lot of troubles getting some information from a tile component.

Guillermo Castro 


Space shuttle Discovery succesfully touched down at Edwards AFB this morning, after two weeks in space. It is amazing that people are still willing to go to space in a bucket of bolts designed in the 70’s.

Guillermo Castro 

Upgraded to Pebble 1.9

I just upgraded my website to Pebble 1.9, and after some serious snafu on my part (you should clean your work directory for better results), it is finally running. I like the new features, and everything seems to be in working order. Oh, and I will do the MT import soon, as it now comes […]

Guillermo Castro 

Java + podcast = JavaCast

I listened yesterday to the first JavaCast, which is an mp3-based talk show downloaded from the internet and played on your favorite player (yes, you don’t have to own an iPod to listen to podcasts). I thought it was good in general, and I hope the quality of the interviews remain the same as the […]

Guillermo Castro 

WPT 0.7 Out… Hold your horses!

So, after playing around with Eclipse’s Web Tools Project 0.7, which was released last friday and reading some of the documentation from the site, I can say that, at least for me, WTP isn’t ready for prime time yet. The developers of WTP acknowledge this, as they changed the version number from 1.0 to 0.7 […]

Guillermo Castro 

Eclipse Web Tools Project 0.7 out soon

According to the milestone plan for the Eclipse Web Tools Project, they are scheduled to release the first stable build of the project today. Many people have waited for this project to come out, as it will add a very needed feature to Eclipse, namely the creation of web projects (JSPs, J2EE, etc.) I have […]

Guillermo Castro